Share Information

Ananda Developments PLC’s shares are traded on AQSE Exchange Growth Market.

The Ananda ticker code is ANA.

To see the Ananda Developments plc share price and latest trades click here

Number of securities in issue: 2,878,027,906 ordinary shares of £0.002 each.

No securities are held as treasury shares.

40.95% of Ananda Developments plc’s shares held in public hands.

There are no restrictions on the transfer of shares.

Significant Shareholders

As at 26 June 2023, as far as the Directors are aware, the following table states the shareholdings of the Directors of the Company, who hold shares, and the shareholders that are interested in 5% or more of the issued share capital of the Company.


Name Number of Ordinary Shares % of Issued Share Capital
Chares Morgan 1,115,665,229 38.76
Melissa Sturgess 417,001,785 14.49
Anglia Salads Limited* 350,000,000 12.16
Jeremy Sturgess-Smith 106,900,010 3.71
Clive Page 33,333,333 1.16
Inbar Pomeranchik 26,666,667 0.93


*Stuart Piccaver, a Director of Ananda is also a Director and shareholder of Anglia Salads.

Warrant and Option Holders

As at 21 June 2024, as far as the Directors are aware, the following persons/entities hold either a warrant deed or option agreement over ordinary shares in the Company.


Instrument Holder Instrument Type Number of Warrants/Options Held
Eli Schmell Option Expiring 17/09/2024 6,300,000
Jack Morgan Option Expiring 31/03/2033 30,000,000
Frances Crewson Option Expiring 30/03/2033 10,000,000
Charles Morgan Warrant Expiring 19/12/2032 436,584,000


If all warrants and options were to be exercised, the dilutive effect on the current share capital of the Company is 16.78%.